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Banana Collagen Glow Smoothie

Banana Collagen Glow Smoothie

There's this buzz about collagen these days, and for good reason! It's the main structural protein in our connective tissue but as we age we produce less and less of it. 

The good news? You can help your body out by adding some collagen-rich foods to your diet. We're talking citrus fruits, red berries, bone brother, salmon & avocado. But if you're finding it difficult to get collagen in your diet there are some great collagen supplements on the market and here's a tasty smoothie to help add it in to your diet in a quick, easy & seriously tasty way!


  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 papaya
  • 1 scoop Collagen Powder (unflavoured)
  • 250ml coconut water
  • 3 tbsp coconut yoghurt
  • Ice

Combine all ingredients into a blender and blend. Garnish the base of your serving glass with a dollop of yoghurt. Pour mixture into glass and serve. For a thinner consistency use less ice, for thicker use more.